GEWINNSPIEL  - Professioneller GesundheitsCheck für Ihren Pool im Wert von 75 EUR - Jetzt mitmachen !

WINING GAME - Professional health check for your pool worth 75 EUR - Take part now !

Yesterday in the hotel pool and today sick? With your private pool this shouldn't happen to you ‼️‼️

straight women spend a lot of money on high-quality creams and expensive cosmetics... Often people don't think seriously about the quality of the pool water in which we bathe several times, especially in summer. 🤔

rash, conjunctivitis and problems with the respiratory tract caused by poor water values are not uncommon !

Our health check checks the water quality of your pool water with regard to possible bacteriological contamination. The evaluation is carried out in our in-house laboratory.

You can win a professional health check with report from us by 15.04.

What do you have to do for it?

1) Liked our site
2) Visit our online shop at and send us a short message using the contact form why you want this check

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