ATTRO Vita - reverse omosis without installation for healthy drinking water on Mallorca too

ATTRO Vita - Umkehromose ohne Installation für gesundes Trinkwasser auch auf Mallorca

With our ATTRO Vita we offer you a drinking water system based on reverse osmosis, which requires no installation and is very easy to operate.

The ATTRO Vita offers you numerous advantages over other drinking water systems:

- No installation required

- No water connection required and thus the risk of flooding is 100% eliminated.

- Stylish design and easy operation

- The illuminated LCD screen and the practical glass carafe make using the ATTRO Vita drinking water system a special experience.

- The glass carafe catches the osmosis water. You can pull this out of the ATTRO Vita and use it as a normal carafe. The carafe is dishwasher safe and therefore easy to use. The capacity of the glass carafe is 1.7 liters.

We recommend that you change the filter every six months. The costs for this are €47.89. You can do the exchange yourself. You do not need a technician for this as with many other models. Saved costs again ;)

Anyone who has had enough of lugging around water bottles and is looking for a practical, stylish and uncomplicated drinking water system will do everything right with the ATTRO Vita reverse osmosis system!

* The drinking water system is also sufficient for the particularly poor water quality in the area of ​​Cala Murada, Porto Colom etc. References can be shown.

Available in our shop at:
