*** DEAL DES TAGES - 10 SACK POOLSALZ FÜR 99 EUR inkl. Anlieferung ***

*** DEAL OF THE DAY - 10 SACKS OF POOL SALT FOR 99 EUR including delivery ***

The offer is valid until 8:00 p.m. today!

10 bags of high-quality pool salt á 25 kg including delivery for 99 EUR!


La oferta es válida hasta las 20:00 de hoy!

10 bolsas de sal de piscina de alta calidad de 25 kg, incluida la entrega por 99 euros.


The offer is valid until 20:00 o'clock today!

10 bags of high-quality pool salt á 25 kg incl. Delivery for 99 EUR!

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